Congress Majority PAC persuades undecided voters and disillusioned non-voters to turn out and vote Democrat. CM PAC will help Democrats win in November.


Congress Majority’s Vote Democrat ads in digital media and on TV will win votes in tight races by attacking Republicans and championing Democrats on the issues voters care about most. We’ll tout big wins under recent Democratic Presidents on the economy, and attack Republicans for blocking the strongest bill to stop illegal immigration in decades. One issue per ad, our other ads will attack Republicans on climate change, abortion, gun control, and for causing gridlock for political gain. We’ll make a powerful case that Democrats provide smarter policy and better government, with less ideology and more case-by-case pragmatism. All our ads will conclude with the same headline: Vote Democrat.

Our messaging is not extremist and will appeal to moderate voters of both Parties. We’ve built a strong team: a top Democratic fundraiser and a seasoned political strategy group will begin work the week we are funded. $500,000 will enable us to begin fundraising and start building a warchest of millions to fund our our second wave of advertising: persuasion ads targeting swing voters in the months leading up to the election. Our 2024 Ads will be refined by our strategist, tested and placed in close races.

Together we can secure a solid majority for Democrats in both Houses of Congress. To learn more, contact us.

Copyright 2020 – 2024 Congress Majority PAC

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