2018 Ads

We invite you to view Good and Bad Leaders.

Good Leaders, Bad Leaders is the best of our early ads. It has a strong first 6 seconds, so many YouTubers will watch the entire 60 seconds instead of clicking on Skip Ad. In 2024, this ad is a true perennial, and its potential to bring swing voters to the Democratic side remains strong. 

Congress Majority’s spots can may be run in any state, since they mention no Democratic candidate by name.

Our Vote Democrat! messages support all Democratic candidates. For the 2026 mid-terms, our ads will be tested and approved by our political strategist and digital ad agency. 


These are our first ads. Wait till you see our ads for 2024!  


The spots on this page represent our beginning in 2018. To see our new ads, see our Ads for 2024  — one completed, three finishing post production, and still in script form. We can produce them quickly using AI for the graphics and videos. They are a big leap forward from our early spots on this page! 

Our concept remains the same in 2024: attack Republicans as a group and make a strong case to voters that Democrats provide smarter, more successful government.

Our target audience is undecided voters, disillusioned non-voters, and moderates living in swing states. We are confident our ads will help persuade swing voters to vote Democrat. 

We invite you to view Good and Bad Leaders on the left, and then read our Ads for 2024.

Good and Bad Leaders

This ad has potential in 2024 for placement in digital media, because of the strong opening seconds: HOST: The greatest leaders in history have risen to power in troubled times. But its worst leaders came to power in troubled times, too — and nearly every time, they rose by selling oversimplified solutions to a frightened public. The spot cuts to our host, a kindly, 70-ish grandfather, who continues, Republican ideology says, ‘Don’t tax the rich and don’t regulate Wall Street.’ But oversimplified solutions have led to disastrous government in the past. Wall Street and the banks need regulation to prevent another financial collapse, and cutting taxes on the rich just made them richer. Republicans also took healthcare away from millions. Democrats believe that good government requires fine-tuning. They create case-by-case, targeted policy, with less ideology and more pragmatism. It’s just smarter government. In the next election, vote Democrat, and keep our Democracy safe and strong.  And this time, vote.

More Republicans Vote

HOST: Did you know there are more Democrats than Republicans? But Democrats have been losing elections because more Republicans vote.

To put Donald Trump in check, it’s crucial that Democrats take Congress back. That’s why the mid-term election is the most important in generations. In November, vote like your future depended on it. Vote Democrat – and this time, vote.

What Democrats Do Better

The word ‘Democrats’ fades up in white letters over a deep blue screen, and ‘Smarter policy on’ quickly comes up. The list below is different than the one in the TV spot above. Roe vs. Wade is added below, and the order is changed.


Fade up title: SMARTER POLICY ON

The two lines above stay on screen, as, one by one, the items on the list below appear. Every time a new item appears, we hear a half-second sound effect for emphasis. 










The mid-term election is the most important in generations. In November, vote like your future depended on it — because it does. Vote Democrat – and this time, vote.


NOTE: This ad was produced for the 2018 election.

Close on a photo of Donald Trump’s face. We hear a loud sound as the label Wolf pops on. Camera zooms back and we see he’s in a group of well-known Republican lawmakers, including  Mitch McConnell and others. The words Wolves in sheep’s clothing are stamped across the screen. Cut to our kind, grandfatherly host.  

HOST:  Republicans gave tax cuts to the rich and big corporations, and the rich are getting richer. They took healthcare away from millions, made it harder for the young and people of color to vote, and they’ve done nothing to combat climate change and gun control.

Democrats govern with case-by-case pragmatism and less ideology. It’s just smarter, better government. That’s why it’s crucial to our nation’s future that they win a majority in both houses of Congress. In November, vote Democrat – and this time, vote.

Most of Us Don’t Have the Time

HOST: We live in complicated times, with complicated problems. But most of us don’t have the time to examine each issue in its full complexity. It’s easier to listen to politicians and Fox News selling the idea that taxes and regulations are bad. The truth is, today’s complex problems require complex solutions. Wall Street and the banks need regulation to prevent another financial collapse, and lowering taxes on corporations and the rich didn’t create jobs, it just made them richer.

Democrats believe that good government requires fine-tuning. They create case-by-case, targeted policy, and that means better government.

Republicans gave tax cuts to rich people who don’t need them, took healthcare away from millions, and reject the facts of climate change.

In the next election, vote Democrat – and this time, vote.

Putting Trump in Check

NOTE: This ad was produced for the 2018 mid-term election.

HOST: To keep Donald Trump in check, it’s crucial that Democrats take Congress back.

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