Our powerful ads can be run in any state, and will make a strong case to swing voters, moderates, and non-voters that Democrats provide smarter, better government.
CM PAC’s ads will win swing voters and motivate the base by attacking Republicans on issues like the economy, global warming, Roe v. Wade, gun control, and saving our Democracy.
Congress Majority PAC’s mission is to elect Democrats to Congress. Most PACs support individual candidates, but our powerful spots mention no candidate by name. Instead, we attack Republicans as a group. One ad points out the differences between the parties on climate change; another is on gun control, another on Roe; and one spot touts the current strong economy and inflation dropping below 3%.
One ad points out Republicans’ anti-regulatory ideology caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2008, and that when Obama was sworn in, the nation was near economic collapse. But with his new Democratic majority in the House and Senate, he passed policies that sent the market to new highs.
Some ads conclude that Democrats provide smarter, better government, and all our ads end with the title card, “Vote Democrat.”
We believe the public is tired of the candidate-centered ads they are bombarded with every election season. Congress Majority’s ads provide a new approach. Better messaging is what we need now.
Our ads praise Democrats’ actions on the issues voters most care about, and attack Republicans on the same issues: the economy, the deficit, global warming, immigration, gun control, Roe v. Wade, and tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy.
Attack ads work, and it’s time for Democrats to fight back.
Our 2024 Ads page points out, “It’s clear that in the short term we are not going to sing kumbaya with the GOP. In the past, Biden looked weak when he called for unity, and his agenda did not pass. It was a victory for Republicans.”
It’s time to consider attack ads against Republicans as a group. We need to win in November.
The ads proposed by Congress Majority will appeal to moderates in both parties and win votes. To read the scripts, check out our 2024 Ads.
In states with close races, Congress Majority will run digital and broadcast ads statewide. We’ll also run ads at the local level to bolster Democrats in tight House races. Because we mention no candidate by name, our ads can be run in any State or Congressional race.
We can increase the Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. To win, we need stronger messaging. Your gift now will help Democrats win in 2024.
Copyright 2024 by Congress Majority and Patrick Reynolds