



CMPAC’s ads educate voters in 60 seconds, one issue per ad, and focus on the Parties’ voting records. Our ad on the economy compares its performance under Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden, and shows evidence the economy has performed better under Democratic Presidents.

Our ad now in production list examples of Trump’s extremist views, and attacks Republicans for their cowardice in supporting his agenda, nearly in lock step. In 2026, we’ll attack them for continued inflation and for damaging our Democracy, and by then we’ll surely have more to attack.

Our latest spot will run in the two special House elections in Florida on April 1. 

In 2026 our ads will attack Republicans as a group for supporting Trump’s extremist agenda, and make a strong case to vote Democrat and return to sanity in government.

Read more below, or help build our warchest for April 1 and 2026. Please Donate now


CM PAC’s ads will win over swing voters and motivate the base in the ’26 mid-terms by attacking Republicans on issues like the economy, climate change, Roe v. Wade, gun control – and to step back from Trump’s extremist agenda that is damaging our Democracy.


Congress Majority PAC’s mission is to elect Democrats to Congress. We can take back the House and Senate in 2026, and CMPAC’s unique strategy can make that happen.

Our ads chart a new path in political advertising for Democrats. In 2024, each ad focused on one issue – the economy, immigration, climate change – and compared the Parties’ voting records. Our ad on the economy compared its performance under Bill Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, and made a powerful case that the economy has performed better under Democratic Presidents. 

In 2026, we’ll attack Republicans for supporting Trump’s extremist agenda nearly in lock step. We’ll attack them for continued inflation and for damaging our Democracy. These ads and others will be developed as 2026 nears, and we’re certain Republicans will continue to provide us with plenty to attack. We believe Biden’s vision of unity and getting along with Republicans was a  strategic misstep. 

While most PACs support individual candidates, our ads mention no Democratic candidate by name. Because of this, all our spots can be placed in any State or Congressional race to support the Democratic candidate.

We believe the public is tired of the conventional candidate-centered attack ads they are inundated with every election season, and that most of the electorate is poorly informed about how the Parties compare on the big issues. Congress Majority PAC’s series of 60 second ads are changing that. Our messaging is a fresh, innovative approach that will help propel Democrats to victory in ’26.

Our ad on the economy reminds voters under Bill Clinton, the economy had a sustained boom for 8 years, and points out that Republicans’ anti-regulatory ideology caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2008, after Bush deregulated the banks. It notes that when Obama took over from Bush, the nation was on the brink of economic collapse – but with a new Democratic majority in both Houses, Obama was able to pass unprecedented policies that brought our nation back from the brink, and sent the market to historic highs by the end of his time in office. It concludes that when Biden took over from Trump, the economy was again near collapse, but Biden’s policies resulted in 16 million new jobs, and inflation dropped to 2.5%, with the economy going strong.

We’ll work with a top political ad agency to re-create this ad for 2026, and include how Trump did with the economy. 

Our Immigration ad promised that if elected in 2024, Democrats would pass the bi-partisan immigration bill killed by Republicans earlier in the year, with the intent of prolonging the crisis at the border for political gain. The ad went on to promise that if Democrats win a majority in both houses of Congress, they would end the partisan gridlock and get Washington working again. 

In sum, our spots make a strong case that Democrats provide smarter, better government. All end with the title, “Vote Democrat.”

Now is the time for attack ads against Republicans as a group, but our tone is reasonable, and never strident. Our ads will appeal to moderates in both parties, and appeal to Trump voters who regret voting for him.

Congress Majority PAC’s ads will persuade voters and help send Democrats back to the majority in both Houses in 2026. To view the three 60-second ads we produced in 2024, see our 2024 Ads — and CMPAC is developing new ads for 2026 now. 

CMPAC’s messaging praises Democrats’ actions on the issues voters care about most, and attacks Republicans on the same issues: the economy, immigration, the deficit and inflation, climate change, gun control, and tax cuts for the wealthy. Our ads educate voters in a new way, and most who see them welcome them.

We can take back both houses of Congress in 2026, and Congress Majority PAC’s ads will make the needed difference. Your support now will help Democrats win in the mid-terms.

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